BSP SouthPool was conferred the PCR Associate Member status

BSP SouthPool was conferred the PCR Associate Member status

Price Coupling of Regions (PCR)

On General Assembly of EUROPEX members on May 24th, 2011 in Lisbon, the PCR Steering Committee decided at unanimity to confer BSP SouthPool the PCR Associate Member status.

With the PCR project Europe-wide system of coordinated day-ahead power price formation is expected to be delivered. PCR is going to support the European single price coupling target model. For realization of this project a close cooperation between European TSO´s and a core subset of Exchanges, namely APX-Endex/Belpex, EPEX Spot, NordPool Spot, OMEL and GME was being started.

BSP SouthPool thus became an associate PCR member as well as EXAA, HUPX, OPCOM, OTE and POLPX.

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