GO LIVE on 20th September - Block Products & Negative Prices

Block products and Negative Prices on BSP Southpool Energy Exchange

– GO LIVE on September 20th 2017 –


BSP Southpool Energy Exchange continues with the process of enabling new market solutions to its members.

Block products and negative prices are the most recent available features to trade with on the Euromarket Trading Platform, from the 20th of September 2017 (for the delivery day 21st of September) onwards.

Block orders can be submitted on Day-ahead Auction with no consecutive periods and executed with a restriction of all-or-none. Additionally, BSP has also enabled the possibility of negative prices for orders, with minimum price limit set at -500 €/MWh.

With these new features, trading at BSP becomes more flexible and traders have a better opportunity for planning their portfolio.

For more information, feel free to contact us on trading@bsp-southpool.com or +386 1 620 7689.


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