Trading platforms

EuroMarket Trading Platform

On the EuroMarket trading platform market participants can conclude transactions on the Slovenian Day-ahead and Intraday Auction market. Offers inserted on the Day Ahead market are integrated into the common European order book and the calculation of the marginal price is done simultaneously for all coupled markets. Market participants access the trading platform without any prior software installation, using a valid digital certificate.

M7-ComTrader Trading Platform

On the M7-ComTrader trading platform, Market participants can conclude transactions on the Slovenian Intraday market, Balancing market and register bilaterally concluded contracts to OTC clearing. The trading platform enables technical solution for a joint integrated European Intraday cross-border market (XBID). Market participants access the trading platform using a valid digital certificate, and Java software or use web start version for accessing.

BSP Market Operations offers its market participants technical support and help for both trading platforms.

Market messages