Central Eastern European (CEE) Region consist of Power Exchanges (BSP, EPEX SPOT, EXAA, OKTE, OTE, HUPX, TGE) and Transmission System Operators (ELES, 50Hertz, Tennet Germany, PSE, ČEPS, SEPS, MAVIT, APG) from countries Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.
With the signature of Memorandum of Understanding in 2014 CEE parties aim to introduce flow-based capacity calculation and implicit capacity allocation based on the PCR solution. The implementation of flow-based market coupling in the CEE region should both provide for efficient electricity wholesale price formation by linking the relevant day-head markets - considering the most efficient generation in the region, and assess more precisely the vailable grid capacities on individual transmission network elements, thus also supporting and enhancing secure grid operation. Consumers in the CEE region will benefit from more competitive prices resulting from efficient trading arrangements and secure network operation, allowing also for the improved integration of renewable energy sources.