Intraday Continuous Market
The Intraday power market operates continuously, enabling round-the-clock power trading. The single intraday coupling (SIDC) algorithm couples national intraday markets. It operates under an open order book, allowing market participants to view anonymous orders submitted to the system by other market participants.
The XBID trading solution enables continuous trading where demand meets supply and vice versa. The matching of the offers can occur regardless of the difference in the bidding zones.
Slovenian balancing market
BSP has been selected as a service provider for the balancing platform in the Slovenian bidding zone, operated by Borzen, the Slovenian Market Operator.
The Platform for Balancing Energy plays a key role in the Slovenian electricity market. It enables ELES, the Slovenia's Combined Transmission and Distribution System Operator, and market participants to manage any energy deficits or surpluses in the final hour before physical delivery.

The establishment of an integrated intraday electricity market enhances market competition, ensures transparency in pricing, improves market liquidity and optimizes the allocation and utilization of generation resources across Europe. This integration fosters the efficient exchange of electricity between different regions, leading to a more balanced supply, demand dynamics and ultimately benefits consumers and market participants.
With the increasing amount of renewables, it is becoming increasingly challenging for market participants to remain balanced after the closing of the Day-Ahead market.
Balancing the network closer to the time of delivery offers benefits to market participants and system operators. This practice reduces the need to maintain reserves and associated costs for balancing energy, resulting in more efficient and cost-effective operations for all parties involved.