A part
of Adex
Volume | MWh |
BASE Price | EUR/MWh |
Euro Peak Price | EUR/MWh |
MCP | |
Price | |
BASE | |
EuroPeak |
Quarterly volume | |
Hourly volume | |
Block volume | |
Total volume | MWh |
Quarterly volume | MWh |
Hourly volume | MWh |
Block volume | MWh |
IDA1 | |
IDA2 | |
IDA3 | |
IDA1 | MWh |
IDA2 | MWh |
IDA3 | MWh |
In 2022 EPEX and BSP partnered with Montenegrin exchange BELEN for the establishment and operation of the Montenegrin Day-ahead market and the clearing of the exchange transactions. This strategic alliance was formed with the objective of leveraging the expertise and knowledge of all parties involved, in order to create a robust and efficient market that would benefit all stakeholders.
The day ahead market with clearing solution became operational on April 26, 2023.
BSP and EPEX have successfully joined forces once again for the establishment of the North Macedonian Day-ahead market with the Macedonian Electricity Market Operator (MEMO), building on their knowledge and expertise of a parallel project.
BSP provided a clearing solution and coordinated the overall design of the project, including the technical specifications of the clearing application and the creation of a detailed plan for testing the localized clearing solution. Joint efforts ensured that the clearing process was efficient, effective, and met all necessary requirements.
The Macedonia day-ahead market with the clearing solution became operational on May 10, 2023.
In September 2022, SEEPEX partnered with BSP to launch a project to establish a Serbian Intraday Continuous market. The result marks the first significant and concrete result of the synergy created within the ADEX Group.
New market enables energy traders to buy and sell electricity in real-time, providing greater flexibility and efficiency in the management of energy supply and demand. With the introduction of the new platform, the Serbian energy market is poised to become even more dynamic and competitive, offering new opportunities for producers and consumers alike.