According to Slovenian legislation, the purchase or sale of energy at negative price is considered as a “supply of services”. A sale of energy at a negative price, i.e. supplier selling energy to BSP, is thus regarded as a supply of service by BSP to supplier, and a purchase at a negative price, i.e. trading participant purchases energy from BSP, as a supply of service by the trading participant to BSP. Therefore the following 2 transactions are possible in relation to negative pricing: Sale at negative prices: supply of service by BSP (invoice for the service for the collection of excess...
BSP d.o.o., Slovenian energy exchange, entrusted Borzen with the reporting of transactions on wholesale energy market pursuant to REMIT for all orders and trades on their exchange. On 24th September 2015 Borzen d.o.o. was acknowledged the status of RRM for performing the REMIT service for energy market participants. More information is available here.
The company will henceforth as the 44th participant of the Slovenian electricity day-ahead and Intraday market actively participate in Slovenian market.
In 2015, Energetika.NET, in cooperation with the rating agency Bisnode, has presented the En.odmev award for the fifth time.»Although we are now all challenged with a much worse economic situation than when we first presented this award, the companies we meet and assess are able to successfully overcome all obstacles,« say the members of the professional commission which announced this year's winners. The recipients of the En.odmev 015 are companies BSP SouthPool, Termo tehnika and Riko.
24 February2015. The Italian Borders Market Coupling was successfully launched today. The Italian-Austrian, Italian-French and Italian-Slovenian borders have been coupled with the Multi-Regional Coupling (MRC), thus linking the majority of EU power markets–from Finland to Portugal and Slovenia.The launch of the Italian Borders Market Coupling provides evidence of the flexibility and reliability of the Price Coupling of Regions (PCR) solution.
Following the communication published on the project parties’ websites / sent to the Market Participants on 2 December 2014, the launch of the Italian Borders Market Coupling is now confirmed on 24 February 2015, based on the approval of all the concerned National Regulatory Authorities.Three of the five Italian borders, i.e. France - Italy, Austria - Italy and Slovenia - Italy, will be coupled with the Multi-Regional Coupling (MRC), using the Price Coupling of Regions (PCR) solution.
The Italian Borders Market Coupling Project is scheduled to launch on 24 February 2015. The Go-Live is subject to the final approval by the involved regulatory authorities. Three of the five borders of the Italian Borders Market Coupling Project will be coupled with the Multi-Regional Coupling (MRC), thus linking the majority of EU power markets - from Finland to Portugal and Slovenia. The launch of the Italian Borders Market Coupling provides evidence of the flexibility and reliability of the Price Coupling of Regions (PCR) solution.
Power exchanges BSP and GME and the system transmission operators ELES and Terna shall introduce with trading date 10th February a new auction trading phases for existing Market Coupling on Slovenian-Italian border.
The company will henceforth as the 47th and 48th participant of the Slovenian electricity day-ahead and Intraday market actively participate in Slovenian market.
This document is aimed at giving a general presentation of the Italian Borders Market Coupling project and at listing specific questions for a Market Participants’ consultation.
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