Today we confirm that successful tests have been performed regarding the introduction of a 15-minute Market Time Unit (15-min MTU) capacity allocation between Croatia, Slovenia and Hungary. The expected go-live date is on January 9, 2024 (with the first delivery day January 10, 2024) aiming to enhance intraday trading between the three countries through SIDC. You can read the full press release in the attachment.
MVM Partner Energy Trading Ltd, also known as MVM Partner Ltd, is the electricity provider for a Hungarian-owned electricity group, the MVM Group. Additionally, it exclusively supplies electricity to MVM Next Energy Trading Ltd.
During the market coupling process on 28 October a technical issue was experienced that led to a partial decoupling. • Country/Bidding zone decoupled from a market point of view from SDAC: Greece• Order book decoupled from the SDAC process: HEnEx• Interconnectors decoupled from the SDAC process: GR-BG, GR-IT The incident was caused by a technical issue at HEnEx Local Trading System. HEnEx reported that experienced a severe technical issue at its Local Trading System impending the validation process of submitted orders in DAM relevant to the day-light saving time additional MTU for delivery day...
The strong volume traded on the BSP Energy Exchange continues to flourish. We have recorded a new daily Day-Ahead traded volume on the 17th of October. The total traded volume was 43.161 MWh.
BISOL is a global leader in solar solutions, operating in over 100 countries with a 750 MW annual production capacity. Known for its premium-quality solar modules. BISOL's vision for solar energy has become a reality, providing a self-sufficient and cost-competitive energy source in the face of fossil fuel challenges.
Trisolaris AG is a successful energy trader with a business model based on innovation, risk management, and diversification. They operate in 20+ markets worldwide and trade electricity, gas, and renewable energy products.
Borzen, the Slovenian market operator, will perform auction on Thursday 19th October 2023, for the transfer of electricity from the ECO Group for the year 2024 in cooperation with BSP SouthPool Energy Exchange. The electricity from the ECO Group for the year 2024 will be sold in the same way as in the previous years, i.e. indirectly by transferring the whole ECO Group to another Balance Scheme Member's balancing group or subgroup. For that purpose an Auction will be organized, at which participants will be asked to bid the highest price in EUR/MWh for all the electricity produced in the ECO...
The introduction of intraday trading in Serbia offers market participants additional opportunities and is essential for managing their energy portfolios as the power assets are becoming increasingly flexible with changing renewables output forecasts. The critical component to answer these expectations is a well-functioning infrastructure provided on the Serbian market by ECC, EMS, SEEPEX, and BSP, which offers the M7 trading platform, known among trades across Europe for its robustness and adaptability. We are pleased with the excellent collaboration between experts resulting in a...
In July 2023, the trading volume on the Intraday market reached a new record value of 148,368 MWh. In comparison to last year's 57.305 MWh traded volume in July, there was a significant increase of 159%. Last monthly record value was set in March 2023 with the total volume of 126.292 MWh which was 17% lower than the newly set record. So far this year, there has been a steady increase in Intraday trading volume. As of 2023, the total amount traded has reached 822.065 MWh.
The report provides a comprehensive overview of the Single Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC) and Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC) operations in 2022 and gives a broad outline of the current and future performance of market coupling algorithms and R&D activities undertaken. The CACM Annual Report 2022 summarises the work achieved by NEMOs and TSOs in the dayahead and intraday coupling projects to ensure successful operation of market coupling solutions. A regular and transparent assessment of their operations and performance is key to supporting the ultimate goal of all projects - an effective...
Due to the recent market circumstances specifically in The Netherlands, the Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) operating the Single Day-Ahead Coupling have decided to modify the lower threshold that triggers the 2nd auction procedure from EUR -150 to EUR -500 per MWh. You can read the entire publication in the attachment below.
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