Archive of Press Releases

New monthly Intraday trading volume record

  In July 2023, the trading volume on the Intraday market reached a new record value of 148,368 MWh. In comparison to last year's 57.305 MWh traded volume in July, there was a significant increase of 159%. Last monthly record value was set in March 2023 with the total volume of 126.292 MWh which was 17% lower than the newly set record. So far this year, there has been a steady increase in Intraday trading volume. As of 2023, the total amount traded has reached 822.065 MWh.

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AXPO Solutions AG joins BSP SouthPool as the latest member

BSP SouthPool is pleased to welcome AXPO Solutions AG as its newest member.

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CACM Annual Report 2022

The report provides a comprehensive overview of the Single Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC) and Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC) operations in 2022 and gives a broad outline of the current and future performance of market coupling algorithms and R&D activities undertaken. The CACM Annual Report 2022 summarises the work achieved by NEMOs and TSOs in the dayahead and intraday coupling projects to ensure successful operation of market coupling solutions. A regular and transparent assessment of their operations and performance is key to supporting the ultimate goal of all projects - an effective...

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All NEMOs to modify the threshold that triggers second auction procedure

Due to the recent market circumstances specifically in The Netherlands, the Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) operating the Single Day-Ahead Coupling have decided to modify the lower threshold that triggers the 2nd auction procedure from EUR -150 to EUR -500 per MWh. You can read the entire publication in the attachment below.

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Third Market Coupling Consultative Group Meeting

  Market Coupling Steering Committee invites you to save the date for its third Market Coupling Consultative Group online workshop on the 19th of June 2023.   The event will be an online meeting, click here to register: Agenda is available in the attachment below.  

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Maxi Commodities - New member on BSP Southpool

We proudly announce a new member Maxi Commodities on BSP Southpool, who joined our power exchange in March 2023. MaxiCommodities was established in Prague in 2019 to trade European futures and spot markets and has been successfully expanding to other markets ever since. With an understanding of the importance of data, they offer a unique combination of the human element and full automation, artificial intelligence and algorithmic trading to tackle the highly complex European trading process. They emphasize cooperation between analysts, traders and developers so they continuously manage to...

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KOLEKTOR sETup d.o.o. - New member on BSP Southpool

KOLEKTOR sETup d.o.o. joined our power exchange in January 2023. The main objective of Kolektor sETup is to plan and enable a seamless integration of advanced and multifaceted technological solutions into smart infrastructure environments. They develop and offer a range of innovative services and products, which help accelerate the green transformation of today’s energy sector and enable the unlocking of new business opportunities for their partners. Members of Kolektor sETup team have an excellent and proven track record spanning over 10+ years - both at the managerial and operational level...

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Newsletter - new version for year 2023 Q1

  We have published a new release of our newsletter. The latest edition covers all the events and full trading report of BSP Energy Exchange for the year 2023 Q1. Reading through the newsletter you will find out more about our projects, new members and long term auctions for ELES. BSP Newsletter 2023 Q1  

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Go - Live Day Ahead Market in Montenegro

BSP is proud to be a part of successful implementation of Montenegrin Day Ahead electricity market.  ''We are glad to see that we had a smooth go-live of Montenegrin day-ahead market today. As of day one we have price signals and volumes for every traded hour. With this we paved the way for further development of Montenegrin DA market and its integration into European Union's electricity market. We look forward to ongoing cooperation and further exchange of experience among our partner exchange BELEN and consortium of EPEX SPOT and BSP. Congratulations to our Montenegrin colleagues for...

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SDAC Decoupling training session with Market Participants 11/05/2023

Since the go-live of Multi Regional Coupling (MRC, jointly with 4M MC forming SDAC) in 2014, more than 3,300 successful market coupling sessions have been conducted. In the last 4 years, four major incidents have happened that led to a partial decoupling of the SDAC Market.As part of the SDAC evaluation of these incidents, recommendations have been made to perform training sessions involving all operational parties (Transmission System Operators [TSOs], Nominated Electricity Market Operators [NEMOs], Central Clearing Parties, Shadow Auction entities, etc.) including Market Participants. Next...

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Finalization of implementation of Day Ahead market in North Macedonia by BSP and EPEX SPOT

  EPEX SPOT and BSP finalized implementation of the services for the establishment of the Day Ahead market in North Macedonia. Consequently, we have accomplished all conditions for the launch of trading on the Day-Ahead Electricity Market planned to go-live on the 10th of May.Throughout the implementation process which started 9 months ago, the parties maintained a high level of close interaction ensuring effective knowledge transfer and service setup between BSP, EPEX SPOT and MEMO experts.

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June MCCG meeting

  The next Market Coupling Consultative Group (MCCG) meeting will be on 19 June 2023. Registration will start soon.

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Market messages