Archive of Press Releases

Public consultation results on Harmonized Maximum and Minimum Clearing Prices methodology SDAC and SIDC

  NEMOs published the above-mentioned consultation on the NEMO Committee website on 5th May 2022. The consultation period ended on 15th July 2022. The consultation received eighteen 18 responses from Stakeholders. Considering the responses of Stakeholders, NEMOs’ view and current market situation, NEMOs found that concerns and issues brought forward in the past few months support a need to amend the existing HMMCP methodology. Therefore, after careful consideration of all proposals, NEMOs will propose an amendment of HMMCP methodology. NEMOs plan to submit the amended HMMCP methodology to...

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Harmonised maximum clearing price for SDAC to be set to 5,000 EUR/MWh from 20th September

On trading day 16th August 2022 for delivery date 17th August, there was an occurrence of high prices in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia in hour 18. The high prices reached 4000,00 EUR/MWh, which means that the current harmonised maximum clearing price will be increased from 4000 EUR/MWh to 5000 EUR/MWh. This change will apply from 20th September 2022 (first trading session). Please see the full press release in the attachment below.  

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4th Wave Go-Live Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC) Pre-launch Event

  We are pleased to invite you to our important 4th Wave go-live Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC) pre-launch event, to be held on Thursday 29 September 2022. Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) and Transmission System Operators (TSOs) from 4th Wave go-live countries have arranged this pre-launch event to provide a comprehensive and informative opportunity to learn more about the SIDC (formerly XBID) solution and arrangements for the 4th Wave.The pre-launch event is free of charge and will be held as a web conference. It will include presentations covering an overview of the...

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The interconnection between Hungary and Slovenia in operation

  The Slovenian (ELES) and the Hungarian (MAVIR Ltd.) Transmission System Operators hereby announce that the planned physical connection between the Hungarian and the Slovenian electricity systems was established on the scheduled date of 30th June.The transmission system operators ELES, MAVIR, and HOPS carried out preliminary tests and measurements of the newly built international connection, which will provide a more stable and reliable operation of the electricity system at the 400 kV voltage level and contribute to an even the stronger connection of the mentioned markets to common EU...

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The launch of the Core Flow-Based Market Coupling and allocation of a new interconnector between Slovenia and Hungary

  Today, on June 8th 2022, BSP Energy Exchange is entering a new era of operations on the Day-Ahead market. After several years of development and implementation, 10 Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) and 16 Transmission System Operators (TSOs) of the Core Capacity Calculation Region (Core CCR) introduced the Core Flow-Based Day-ahead Market Coupling. The energy transition towards a carbon-free electricity supply is a European challenge that requires the use of the European electricity system to the full extent. Weather dependent supply and increasing demand response will lead...

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The Core Flow-Based Market Coupling project finished all main deliverables in preparation of the go-live on 8 June 2022

  With great pleasure the Core Flow-Based Market Coupling project parties announce that the project finished all main deliverables and initiated the final preparations towards the go live of the Core Flow-Based Market Coupling on 08/06/2022, first trading day for delivery on 09/06/2022. The design and procedures are now fully tested, and all required contracts are concluded as well. Project parties are confident to provide a robust and stable system. Market participants who would like to follow closer the project development are invited to join the Core Consultative Group (CCG) by sending...

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The IBWT Market Coupling Project announces the MNA go-live on the Northern Italian borders

  The NEMOs (Nominated Electricity Market Operators) and TSOs (Transmission System Operators) of the Italian Borders Working Table (IBWT) Market Coupling Project are pleased to announce that the go-live of the IBWT Multi NEMO Arrangement (MNA) implementation will take place on June the 8th 2022 (trading for delivery on 9th of June). This follows the successful completion of technical readiness and marks another milestone in the completion of the EU Market Coupling as set out in the Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015, establishing a guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion...

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Core Flow-Based Market Coupling project to go-live in 2 weeks

  In 2 weeks the Core Flow-Based Market Coupling project will go live. The go-live date will be on Wednesday, 8th June 2022 trading day, for delivery on 9th June 2022. Main changes to the market coupling will be: The Flow-based model is an alternative to the ATC network constraint which by using the flow based parameters allows a more precise modelling of the physical flows. The flow-based constraints are given by means of two components: Remaining Available Margin (RAM): available margins on critical network elements Power Transfer Distribution Factor (PTDF): ratio which represents the...

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We have successfully completed the Core FB-MC event

  On Tuesday 24.05.2022 we have successfully performed the Core FB-MC event that was held in Žirovnica in the NGEN office building. The event was also online via the Zoom application.

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Public consultation pursuant on Harmonized maximum and minimum clearing prices for single day-ahead coupling and for single intraday coupling

  NEMO Committee has just triggered the open public consultation on Harmonized maximum and minimum clearing prices for single day-ahead coupling and for single intraday coupling. The consultation is open till 15th July, during the months of June and July, the responses will be reviewed and in accordance with Article 12.3 of CACM GL duly considered in the process of revising and proposing amendments to the HMMCP methodologies before sent to ACER for review and approval. Audience Market participants, TSOs and NRAs Interests CACM GL related to SDAC and SIDC. You can read the full news here.

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Market Coupling Consultative Group first meeting High level agenda

  Dear Market Participants, We would like to invite you to the first Market Coupling Consultative Group meeting, where NEMOs, TSOs and market participants can discuss and share views on the ongoing works related to the design, development, implementation, and operation of SDAC and SIDC. The event will be an on-line meeting, the registration starts soon. You can see the agenda in the attached file below.

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Partial decoupling of SDAC markets on 10. May - Investigation initiated

  During the market coupling process on 10 May a technical issue was experienced that led to a partial decoupling.• Country/Bidding zone decoupled from a market point of view from SDAC: Slovakia• Order book decoupled from the SDAC process: OKTE The following interconnectors were decoupled from SDAC: CZ-SK, SK-HU, DE_50Hz-PL/CZ, PL-DE_50Hz/CZ/SK, CZ-DE_50Hz, CZ-PL, SK-PL, DE_50Hz-PL The incident was caused by a technical issue at OKTE. The party reported that the issue occurred in their local trading system. The issue could not be resolved within the time allocated by the SDAC procedures...

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Market messages